The Snow Queen at Storyhouse Chester offers a fresh and imaginative adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen's classic tale, presented as a Storyhouse Originals production. Directed by Hannah Noone and adapted by Charles Way, this production is a delightful mix of adventure, humour, and heartfelt moments, making it a perfect fit for the festive season. Running from December 13, 2022, to January 15, 2023, the show promises to captivate audiences of all ages with its inventive storytelling and vibrant performances.
The story follows the young and determined Gerda (Rosemarie Akwafo) as she embarks on a perilous journey to rescue her best friend Cei (Taona Matope), who has fallen under the spell of the icy and vain Snow Queen (Lucy Tuck). After a shard of the Queen’s shattered mirror lodges in Cei’s eye, transforming him into a cold and unfeeling person, he is taken by the Snow Queen to repair the mirror, a task that could consume his life. Gerda's quest through the seasons—spring, summer, and autumn—brings her face to face with a series of eccentric and sometimes dangerous characters, each of whom presents unique challenges. Through persistence, love, and courage, Gerda seeks to break the Snow Queen's icy grip and restore Cei to his former self.
The visual and auditory elements of The Snow Queen are nothing short of spectacular. Jacob Hughes' set design transforms the stage into a dynamic landscape that seamlessly shifts from an icy palace to warm summer meadows, supported by clever use of lighting and projections by Ceri James. The costumes are equally impressive, with the cast donning a wide array of outfits—from whimsical, flower-covered garments to striking winter attire—that add to the magical atmosphere of the show. The on-stage band, led by musical director Mared Williams, is a constant presence, providing a rich and varied musical backdrop that enhances the emotional depth of the story. Their ability to adapt their costumes to fit the different seasons adds a charming touch to the performance.
The cast delivers standout performances, bringing energy and authenticity to their roles. Rosemarie Akwafo shines as Gerda, capturing both her innocence and unwavering determination. Taona Matope impresses in his dual portrayal of the warm-hearted Cei and his cold, transformed self. Lucy Tuck is perfectly cast as the Snow Queen, exuding a chilling presence that commands the stage. The supporting cast, including Will Kirk, Kate Malyon, Tom Richardson, and Chloe Wade, bring humour and versatility, with each actor taking on multiple roles with enthusiasm and skill. Special mention goes to Flo Wilson, whose powerful vocals and engaging performances as Grandmother and Mrs. Dear set the tone for the show.
The Snow Queen at Storyhouse Chester is a festive treat that strikes the right balance between entertainment and thought-provoking storytelling. While it might not be a traditional pantomime, it offers plenty of lighthearted moments alongside deeper themes of love, friendship, and the battle between good and evil. With its strong performances, inventive set design, and enchanting music, this production is sure to warm the hearts of audiences, even as it portrays the icy world of the Snow Queen. This is a thoroughly enjoyable show that deserves its four stars and is well worth a visit this holiday season.
The Snow Queen is at Storyhouse Chester until 15th January 2023, you can purchase tickets by clicking on the button below.
Photo Credit - Mark McNulty
*Our tickets for this show were kindly gifted in exchange for an honest review